Life is Really Hard Right Now. Remember to Be Kind.

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” ~ Albus Dumbledore”

There aren’t many words that reassure everyone right now so I won’t try and say them. We all have no idea how long this is going to last, how we are going to get through, and how to navigate this new normal. What I encourage people I’ve communicated with is to admit this hard. It’s frustrating that the people who need things to most aren’t able to get them, people are worried about their jobs, families, and more. For the first time in a long time I have no clue about work.

When your job is to travel and not being able to do that is hard. So I am feeling all the feels and deciding to try and be positive as much as I can. I’m going to use this time of being still to get some rest I didn’t realize I needed, to finish blog posts that need to be written and posted, to take a few online classes I’ve been off, to keep my wine studies up, to do more at home yoga, to actually put my cookbooks to use, and more.

We are all in limbo, but we will be okay. Be Kind.